Roasted sardine fillets

Roasted sardine fillets recipe

Sardines are a good source of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. In Nice supermarkets you can often buy fresh sardine fillets. The following recipe makes a healthy and carefree lunch.

2 servings

  • 8- 10 sardine fillets
  • 1 tomato, cut into small pieces
  • Juice of ¼ lemon
  • About 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Finely chopped parsley
  • Lemon wedges to serve

Preheat the oven to 210 ⁰ C (roast).

Line a small baking dish with baking paper. Wash the sardine fillets under running cold water to remove any lingering scales. Dry the fillets with kitchen paper and arrange them in the baking dish. Grind a few rounds of black pepper and press a little lemon juice over them. Cut a tomato in small pieces and scatter over the sardines. Sprinkle with olive oil.

Roast for about 15 minutes. Decorate with parsley. Serve with a green salad and French dressing, and good whole wheat bread to mop up the baking juices.

I don’t need to add any salt because the natural saltiness of the sea fish is enough for us. You can sprinkle a little salt at the table, if you need to.

Baked Daurade

Baked daurade recipe

In Nice, you can often buy fresh small cleaned and scaled daurade, sea bream, in supermarkets. The following recipe is an easy and carefree way to cook daurade. Daurade is a tasty white fish, and like all seafood it is good for your heart.  It has very little fat so you can well use some heart-healthy fat, like olive oil, in the sauce. Olive oil, garlic and Piment d’Espelette give this recipe a nice twist from the French Basque Country.

2 servings

  • 2 cleaned and scaled daurade, about 300 g each
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 large cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp Piment d’Espelette (mild chilli powder)
  • Lemon slices to serve

Preheat the oven to 200 ⁰ C.
Make cuts all the way along the daurades and place them in a large oiled baking tin. Sprinkle with 1 tbsp olive oil and bake in the oven for about 20- 25 minutes.
Meanwhile peel and slice the garlic cloves. Gently heat 2 tbsp olive oil, the garlic slices and the Piment d’Espelette in a small sauce casserole until the garlic is golden brown.  Set aside when ready and take the daurades from the oven.  Pour the olive oil sauce over the fish, and serve with lemon slices.

I like to serve daurade with steamed new potatoes and wilted spinach or green lentils and roasted cherry tomatoes, as in the picture. Green lentils need about 30 minutes cooking. I prefer the small Puy lentils for the taste and texture. Cherry tomatoes are roasted in about 10 minutes. Pour 1 tbsp olive oil in a small baking dish, add the cherry tomatoes and swirl the dish so that the tomatoes are coated with the olive oil. Place in the oven together with the fish when 10 minutes of the cooking time remains.

Veal Escalopes Italian Style

This is a really great recipe when tomatoes and basil are at their best in the end of summer..

Le Boréon: Hike to Lac Nègre and Pas de Préfouns

This was a super hike we made on 14th of July!

The hamlet of Boreon north of St-Martin-Vésubie has become a centre of both winter and summer sports  activities.

In the summer, the hiking trails offer numerous options and grades of difficulty. The hike presented here is one of the most popular ones because of relatively easy access and stunning views. The parking of Salèse is already at 1670 meters. Even so, the ascent to Lac Nègre is roughly 700 m vertical, and if you opt for the Préfouns mountain pass at the Italian border it’s about 300 meters extra.

The trail is well marked up to the lake. There are some steep parts before the lake. Some  parts were even covered with snow in mid-July 2013. From the lake upwards, the trail is marked with cairns only. The view from Pas du Préfouns (2615 m) is dramatic enough but experienced hikers may wish to continue by climbing the nearby mountain tops of Tête des Tablasses(2855 m) and Tête des Bresses(2824 m). This variant is well described in French in the book:” Les plus belles randonnées les Alpes du Sud” (Bernard Ranc; editions Gap) page 26.

The tour from the parking to Pas du Préfouns and back  takes about 6-6,5 hours. The distance from Nice is 70km.

Climb: 720 m (Lac Nègre) 980 m (Pas du Préfouns)

The booklet Les Guides Randoxygène “Haut Pays”, also in French, gives excellent basic information.

Map: Moyenne Tinée 3641 ET.